Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A video and other stuff

This is BUSTED: A Citizen's Guide to Police Encounters. This video tells you what your rights are in regards to police encounters. If you haven't seen this video yet, watch it now. If you have seen it, watch it again. The information in this video bears repeating.

In other news, I've added some links to a few websites that support our cause (for instance NORML) and added a few news feeds to help keep you all updated on what's going on in the drug reform world.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Minutes for January 24th, 2007

Topics Discussed:  We will be having a member for LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) from New York making a Northeast tour come to talk with us soon.

Assistant Vice President of The University of Maine at Farmington, Celeste Branham is running for VP, she has been very supportive of our organization.

We need to make disclaimers for the surveys. It is essential that nobody knows who is taking the survey. Also that anyone who is taking the survey must be cognizant of this.

In April we will be going to the Northeast SSDP meeting at Brown University. We have three busses and are still in need of drivers. The purpose is to meet with other chapters and share ideas.

Members Present: Tony Scala, Matt Doolittle, Eric Talbot, Forrest Bullars, Amy Brown, Samantha MacDougall, Joseph Conrad, Jeff Marten, Lauren Lobikis, Dan Winsor, Davin Currie, Derek Beavdet, Dave Rocha, Morgan Place, Nate Burns, Tim Poulson, Sam Clark, Logan Simpson, Matt Duddy, Mackenzie Brooks, Nick Tolman, Paul Kabatznick, Patrick Fontaine.

Minutes for January 17th, 2007

Elections: Paul Kabatznick resigns as elected Vice President due to commitment issues.
Eric Talbot appointed as new VP.

Topics Discussed: We discussed our survey which will give us data on what kinds drugs are being used in Farmington and correlate abused drugs with the laws pertaining to them. The goal of this survey is to educate law enforcement on and off campus and ultimately have student’s, and the general public’s, punishment become less severe for making a safer choice. (Cannabis)

Members Present:
Mike Simpson, Paul Kabatznick, Lorenzo Reef Sgiers, Celia Reef Sgiers, Matt Doolittle, Jack Woods, Nate Burns, Sam Clark, Dave Rocha, Tony Scala, Matt Duddy, Amy Brown, Mackenzie Brooks, Dan Windsor, Emily ?, Forrest Bullars, Eric Talbot, Lauren Lobikis, Samantha MacDougal, Morgan Place, Nick Tolman, Patrick Fontaine, Mark, Chiavone, Derek Beavdet, Joseph Conrad, Davin Currie.

Sunday, January 28, 2007